Thursday night hand-building drop in
An informal drop in session for participants to come and work on their own projects. There will be a maximum of 6 people using the studio at once. Honor will be available to demonstrate techniques and support projects, but this primarily a more individual session.
Resources available: clay, tools, underglazes, slips. You are welcome to glaze leather hard or bisque fired pieces yourself, or be supported with this process. Participants are welcome to work on a piece over multiple weeks.
£10 per person, per hour
Firing cost of £2.50 per 500g of clay used
Rough weight guide of pieces:
Trinket dish/candle holder ~ 250g
Medium mug ~ 500g
Medium bowl - 700g
Medium vase ~ 800g
Pasta bowl - 1000g
Large vase ~ 1200g
Workshop time:
🕕Thursday evening, 5pm - 9pm